2033 (2.3.3022)

Release Notes - Version 2033

System requirements and important notes
•2 GB RAM minimum required.
•Bridge mode is not supported anymore. The update will be cancelled with an error.
•The update needs, according to the performance of the hardware, between 5 and 10 minutes. During this time, the services will be offline.
•In a cluster, this time the update is started on both nodes simultaneously, so that the services will be offline between 5 to 10 minutes.
•The Spamfinder filter SRC was removed.


•New operating system (Ubuntu 16.04 LTS).
•Support for hypervisor VirtualBox.
•Support for hypervisor KVM.
•Enhanced driver support for Hyper-V (especially Generation-2).
•Support for Microsoft Azure, appliance can be operated in the Microsoft cloud.
•Accelerated appliance boot.
•The Admin Interface is now available at Appliance-IP/admin (instead of /rws/desktop).
•The User Webinterface is now available at Appliance-IP/user (instead of /rws/user).
•The password based root login is for security reasons disabled per default.
•UI Redesign for Admin and Userinterfaces.
•Wrong inputs like space will be prevented (e.g. in user alias, domains etc.)

User Interfaces
•New Outlook Plugin and WIndows User GUI (does not work with appliance version 2032).
•New Smartphone App for iOS and Android (does not work with appliance version 2032).
•Support TLS 1.2 for User Interfaces / Apps.
•In the spam quarantine queue multiple deputies can be searched in one go (as like in the MailDepot before only).
•The Spam and CISS quarantine where put together in one common tab.

•In a cluster, both DNS servers are used as a ping resource beside the gateway.
•Integration of LetsEncrypt certificate requests for HTTP/s und TLS.
•Top level domain (TLD) names now can have more than 3 digits (up to 255).
•CIFS Storages now support different SMB protocol versions.
•NFS Storages now support different NFS protocol versions.
•Local Domains now support LDAP via SSL (Compatibility with Microsoft Ldap Update in march 2020).

•User import for CSV files available.

•The administrator can download emails from the virus quarantine for analysis purposes.
•Filter profiles had been adjusted. The DBL/ABL/SBL actions (mark,quarantine,decline) are now processed inside the associated filter lists.

•Support for journal archiving from a Microsoft Exchange 2019 via the POP3 connector.
•Support import from a Microsoft Exchange 2019.
•Connections to SMTP Connector can be secured via TLS
•Lets encrypt certificate integration for usage in SMTP Connector

•The order of policies can be adjusted via Drag & Drop
•The signature validation has been changed. The mail subject fragment "Signature OK" can be removed to prevent multiple occurrences.
•More than one personal Certificate Authority (CA) can be created.
•Download of personal CA and key.
•Certificate store can be searched.
•Integration of RSASSA-PSS and RSAES-OAEP algorithm.
•The certificate chain of the signing certificate can be attached.
•Enhanced support for OCSP and CRL.
•Public certificates now can be uploaded within a zip file.
•S/MIME certificates can be automatically fetched from corresponding ldap directories

•Added a block size parameter in the storage performance diagnose.
•Enhanced license diagnose. E-Mail alert can be sent when you fall below a free license threshold
•New: user assigned licenses. E-Mail report as overview of the used licenses.

•Fixed wrong SNMP value for SMTP Queue Length.
•Fixed occasional connection errors in the GUI by increasing the timeout from 30 to 120 seconds.

The following issues with this service pack and corresponding hotfixes or workarounds are known.
You can install the corresponding hotfixes via Firmware Diagnose -> Hotfixes -> Install.

Date Issue title Issue description Workaround / Hotfix Obsolete
21.02.2023 Hotfix 64-clamav-sec Security Patch for ClamAV hf-64-clamav-sec
27.09.2022 Hotfix 63-clamav-ram Performance Patch for ClamAV hf-63-clamav-ram
08.09.2022 Hotfix open-vm-tools Security patch for open-vm-tools 62-open-vm-tools
04.03.2022 Hotfix clamav-update Update for ClamAv Virus Scanner 60-clamav-update
04.10.2021 Hotfix del-exp-cert Removes expired Lets Encrypt Certificate 59-del-exp-cert
28.09.2021 Hotfix lets-encrypt Fix for Lets-Encrypt R3 Certificate Expiration 58-lets-encrypt
21.09.2021 Hotfix snmp timeout tability improvements for SNMP Service 57-snmp-timeout
24.06.2021 Hotfix remote support Fix for remote support, that under certain circumstances could not be started 56-remote-support
08.06.2021 Hotfix snmp metric Stability improvements for SNMP Service 55-snmp-metric
02.06.2021 Hotfix http diag Further adjustment to the http diagnose 54-http-diag
05.03.2021 Hotfix http diag clamav Removes virus pattern test from http diagnose 53-http-diag-clamav
01.02.2021 Hotfix snmp Stability improvements for SNMP Service 52-snmp
01.02.2021 Hotfix flushdyniplist Flush DynIp Blacklist is working again 51-flushdyniplist
26.01.2021 Hotfix clamav-freshclam Timeout for clamav database update increased 50-clamav-freshclam
11.01.2021 Hotfix mdcon-port25 Port 25 can be used again in smtp connector, when eth0 mdcon is configured 49-mdcon-port25
02.12.2020 Hotfix restproxy-usergui Fixes some issues in maildepot view 47-restproxy-usergui
16.11.2020 Hotfix check-firebird Stability Update for firebird database 46-check-firebird
12.11.2020 Hotfix restproxy-engine Fix for category access 45-restproxy-engine
11.11.2020 Hotfix ping-diag Ping diagnose has correct return values now 44-ping-diag
11.11.2020 Hotfix restproxy-usergui Security and stability update for system process and user interface 43-restproxy-usergui
05.11.2020 Hotfix whitelist-import Address whitelists can be imported again in Spamfinder 42-whitelist-import
06.10.2020 Hotfix maildepot-security Maildepot Security Adjustment 41-maildepot-security
30.09.2020 Hotfix certificates diag Diagnose takes all certificates into consideration again 40-certificates-diag
28.09.2020 Hotfix clean clamav Error correction for interrupted clamav updates 39-clean-clamav-tmp
30.09.2020 Hotfix user gui Error correction for user webinterface issues 38-user-gui
14.09.2020 Hotfix mdcon temp Cleanup of tmp files is working again 37-mdcon-temp
09.09.2020 Hotfix SNMP Metric Some SNMP values have not been refreshed correctly 36-snmp-metric
31.08.2020 Hotfix certbot renew Lets Encrypt Certificates could not be renewed 35-certbot-renew
31.08.2020 Hotfix maildepot connector Port 25 could not be used with smtp connector 34-mdconnector
11.08.2020 Hotfix ldap diag Fix for LDAP Connectivity Diagnose when using special characters 33-ldap-diag
04.08.2020 Hotfix crontab Internal Hotfix 32-crontab
03.08.2020 Hotfix ldap diag Fix for LDAP Connectivity Diagnose when using special characters 31-ldap-diag X
03.08.2020 Hotfix compliancelog diag Compliance Log Diagnose fix for Last Days to Review 30-compliancelog-diag
30.07.2020 Hotfix remote support Remote Support can be enabled and disabled again 29-remote-support
22.07.2020 Hotfix remote support Remote Support stays active after a reboot iv 28-remote-support
22.07.2020 Hotfix restart services Service Restarts optimized 26-restart-services
22.07.2020 Hotfix engine startup Engine Service startup time improved 25-engine-startup
22.07.2020 Hotfix stormanager timeout Timeouts adjusted for connecting storages 23-stormanager-timeout
22.07.2020 Hotfix health status diag Diagnose Reports fixed for ServerEye 22-health-status-diag
13.07.2020 Hotfix reboot required Diagnose values adjusted from weekly to daily 21-reboot-required
08.07.2020 Hotfix crontab backup Backups are started correctly again 20-crontab-backup
08.07.2020 Hotfix restore lock Locks restore when current and backup version do not match 19-restore-lock
06.07.2020 Hotfix engine tls Stability Improvements for TLS Connections 18-engine-tls
02.07.2020 Hotfix rdxacs temp Fix for tmp directory variable 17-rdxacs-temp
01.07.2020 Hotfix temp dir Fix for tmp directory variable 15-temp-dir
25.06.2020 Hotfix hotfix Fix for hotfixes and portal communication 14-hotfix
24.06.2020 Hotfix mailsealer MailSealer Fix for algorithms used by energy suppliers 13-mailsealer
23.06.2020 Hotfix mailsealer MailSealer Fix takes special characters into consideration 12-mailsealer X
22.06.2020 Hotfix license diag Update for License Diagnose Fix 11-license-diag
22.06.2020 Hotfix mailsealer Fix for gpg signed Mails 10-mailsealer X
22.06.2020 Hotfix license diag License diagnose takes MailDepot Basic Licenses into consideration 09-license-diag X
19.06.2020 Hotfix cleanup Removes unnecessary files in root folder 08-cleanup
18.06.2020 Hotfix logrotate Fix for wtmp and btmp logfiles 07-logrotate
18.06.2020 Hotfix ntp diag Fix for Network Time Diagnose with activated time drift check 06-ntp-diag
15.06.2020 Hotfix mailsealer Fix for display problem in mailsealer 05-mailsealer X
15.06.2020 Hotfix devel hotfix Fix for developement hotfixes 04-devel-hotfix
15.06.2020 Hotfix network routes Fix for static routes 03-network-routes
12.06.2020 Hotfix mailsealer Fix for encryption with fallback certificate 02-mailsealer X
11.06.2020 Hotfix restproxy Service Adjustment for Spamreport 01-restproxy