MS Exchange 2019

In order to archive internal mails with REDDOXX Maildepot, the Exchange 2019 journal needs to be configured.
This document covers the premium journaling with pop3 (this requires Exchange Server Enterprise CALs).
It is also possible, but not described here, to use database journaling which does not require additional CALs.

The following steps are required for configuration:

Create Journal mailbox

  1. Login to the exchange webinterface with your administrator credentials.
    The webinterface can be reached usually via https://ExchangeIP/ecp.
  2. Create a new mailbox via recipients → mailboxes → "+" sign → new user mailbox.
  3. Select "New user"
    Enter First name and Last Name and User Logon Name (e.g. ReddoxxMSXAgent) in the appropriate fields
    Select the corresponding domain for the User logon name
    Choose a password and repeat it
    The Option “User must change password at next logon” must NOT be set
  4. Finish the configuration with "save"

Create Journal group and select users
A Journal group is needed, because internal mails only for specific users shall be covered with journaling.
If this would be done without a journal group, the new healthcheck mailboxes would also be archived with the REDDOXX Maildepot.

  1. A journal group can be created with recipients → groups → "+" sign -> Security Group
  2. In the configuration overview you can select a organisation unit (users) and confirm with ok.
  3. Select via the "+" sign in the member section all members that shall be used for journaling
    Do not select the previously created journal user as member.
  4. Confirm the configuration with "Save".

Create and configure Journal rule

  1. A journal rule can be created with compliance management → journal rules → "+" sign.
  2. Journal reports will be delivered to the journal mailbox
  3. The journal rule needs to be applied to the previously created journal group and for internal mails only.
  4. Confirm the configuration with "Save".

Activate POP3 Service
The services “Microsoft Exchange POP3” and “Microsoft Exchange POP3 Backend” services need to be activated in the Service snap-in.
It is recommended to use “Automatic (Delayed start)” as autostart method, as sometimes the services would not start correctly after a reboot when only set to “Automatic”.

AD Adjustments to Journal User
Set the Journal User Account Password settings in the Active Directory to never expire.