The CISS Themes can be configured in the portal.
Here you define the appearance (layout) of your CISS portal page.
If you wish to have different layouts for separate domains, you need to create multiple themes and then assign a domain to your prepared themes.
The CISS themes need to be assigned to the local internet domains.
Following steps are required to edit a CISS Theme:
Select "Common" in the left panel and provide a name for the Theme
Switch to the Layout management with Next
Select one of the 5 different Layout types, a preview with the available Areas and Logo positions is displayed for each layout
Configure the LOGO and AREA views for your needs and check with Preview
Switch with Next to the Language management
Here you can add Languages, edit languages and set a language as default (the default language is used, if the Ciss filter doesn´t recognize the language of an incoming E-Mail)
For each language the Introduction message, Error message and Thanks massage needs to be edited, then save the translations with "Save translations"
Switch with Next to the Imags management
Upload and edit the Images used for the CISS Challange
Select uploaded images with the edit icon and provide interactive fields by clicking inside the image
The size of the clicked field can be changed with the Grid size
Switch to the Instructions and define Click Instructions for your interactive fields for each of the language you defined before
Save the changes for the image
When all adjustments are done, the theme can be saved via Submit
The theme can now be used at your CISS Management in the lokal internet domain.
Additionally you need to select CISS in your Filter Profiles to activate the CISS Challenges.